chatGPT 问答12 - 英文询问 sync vs async

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0. 背景

尝试每天问 chatGPT 一些问题,并分享出来,今天询问的主题是:英文询问 sync vs async。

1. ChatGPT 回答

In computer programming, synchronous (sync) and asynchronous (async) refer to two different ways of executing code.

Synchronous execution means that the code runs in a single, uninterrupted sequence.
In other words, the program waits for each operation to finish before moving on to the next one.
This is the traditional way of executing code, and it is useful for many applications, especially when the program needs to maintain a strict order of operations.

Asynchronous execution, on the other hand, allows the program to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
Instead of waiting for each operation to finish before moving on to the next one, the program can start a task and then move on to another task while the first task is still running.
This can be much more efficient, especially for tasks that take a long time to complete, such as network operations or file I/O.

Async programming is typically used in situations where the program needs to be responsive to user input or other external events.
For example, a web application might use async programming to handle requests from multiple users simultaneously.

In summary, sync and async refer to different ways of executing code, with sync being the traditional sequential execution, and async being a more efficient way of executing code that allows multiple tasks to be performed simultaneously.

2. Google 的回答

Synchronous and asynchronous programming are two different approaches to executing code.
In synchronous programming, the program waits for a task to finish before continuing to the next task.
In asynchronous programming, the program can continue to execute other tasks while a task is still running.

Synchronous programming is often used when tasks are short and can be completed quickly.
Asynchronous programming is often used when tasks are long or may take a long time to complete.

Synchronous programming can be more efficient, as it does not require the program to wait for tasks to finish.
However, asynchronous programming can be more responsive, as the program can continue to execute other tasks while a task is still running.

The best approach to use depends on the specific task at hand.
If a task is short and can be completed quickly, synchronous programming may be the best option.
If a task is long or may take a long time to complete, asynchronous programming may be the best option.

Here are some of the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous programming:

Synchronous programming


-) More efficient, as it does not require the program to wait for tasks to finish.
-) Easier to debug, as it is easier to see the order in which tasks are executed.


-) Less responsive, as the program must wait for tasks to finish before continuing to the next task.
-) Can be blocking, as it can prevent the program from responding to other events.

Asynchronous programming


-) More responsive, as the program can continue to execute other tasks while a task is still running
-) Can be non-blocking, as it does not prevent the program from responding to other events


-) Less efficient, as it requires the program to manage multiple tasks
-) More difficult to debug, as it is more difficult to see the order in which tasks are executed

3. 最后

问 ChatGPT “Pros vs Cons”,竟然没有回答想要的内容。

I’m sorry, but I need more context to give you a specific answer.
Pros and cons can refer to a wide range of topics, from decision-making to product features.
Please provide more details about the specific topic you have in mind.

问 Google,回答的结果比较令人满意。

看了 Google 的回答,我修改了问 ChatGPT 的方式,即明确告诉他要他干啥,回答还算满意。






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